Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was “undeniably” downed by a Buk missile over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) is convinced of this, and explained in detail how it came to that conclusion on Tuesday during the second day of its final argument in the trial at the extra-secure courthouse near Schiphol Airport.
Forensic research into 370 fragments found in victims’ bodies, for example, has shown that they originated in a Buk missile warhead. There were also several witnesses to an explosion, including those who remained anonymous. One of them, crying in testimony in front of an examining magistrate, stated that the Russian-backed Ukrainian separatists were very happy at first, but later returned from the crash site sullen. According to the witness, when they saw children’s toys, they realized that they had not hit a military plane, but a passenger jet.