Dutch court bans man from donating sperm after he fathered over 500 children

By editorial May 3, 2023

A Dutch court has ordered a man believed to have fathered more than 550 children to stop donating his sperm.

A Dutch court on Friday banned a man from donating any more of his sperm after he fathered at least 550 children in the Netherlands and other countries and misled prospective parents about the number of offspring he helped to conceive.

A judge at The Hague District Court ordered the halt in an injunction brought by the mother of a child conceived with the donor’s sperm and a foundation representing other parents.

The mother, identified by the foundation only as Eva, welcomed the court’s decision.

“I hope that this ruling leads to a ban on mass donation and spreads like an oil slick to other countries. We must stand hand in hand around our children and protect them against this injustice,” she said in a statement.

The court noted that under Dutch guidelines, sperm donors are allowed to produce a maximum of 25 children with 12 mothers and that the donor lied to prospective parents about his donation history.

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