Member of European Parliament , Annalisa Tardino, Identity and Democracy Group.

By Agnita Meijer Jan 7, 2025

Annalisa Tardino, mother, wife, lawyer, today Member of the European Parliament.
She was born in Licata, province of Agrigento, Sicily. A woman who has always tended not to hide her southern origins, which indeed make her proud and remarkably pleased with all the political goals that she has been able to achieve and those to come, already set in this coming future.
As a young woman, she undertook classical studies and continued with university studies in Law where she,
After graduating, she also undertook and obtained a doctorate in Internal Law and Supranational Law at the University of Palermo, boasting a PhD with a thesis on: ‘Natural obligations in European law’. She has been qualified as a lawyer since 2006 for the Palermo and Agrigento Bars, and she mainly deals with civil rights and social policies.
She also boasts of being an effective legal member of the bioethics committee of the Palermo civic hospital, with a second level master’s degree from the Roma 3 University, in Law and Management of health and socio-health services, drug regulation. Annalisa Tardino also involved in clinical trials.

She says of herself:
I have faced my professional career and life as a simple citizen with the logistical, structural, economic and social difficulties that our land, although shrouded in a charm that finds no equal, reserves for its people.
From there, from the awareness of what we could be and are not, of what we would like Sicily to be, but unfortunately it is not, my intense, brief and passionate political commitment was born.
The idea of being able to revive, together with a team of people equally eager for change, my town of origin, Licata, which had fallen into administrative oblivion, where I still preserve the most precious memories and where my loved ones live, inspired me led to accept the candidacy for mayor for the 2018 local elections with Matteo Salvini’s League, the only party then as now, coherent, concrete and determined.

In just under a month of electoral campaign, as a neophyte in politics, I came second in the electoral competition, bringing the League, in a southern town, to 19.79% of the votes, with around 40% more personal votes than to the lists supporting the candidacy for mayor.
The growth in the party, resulting from my commitment as a militant who believes in a political project that deals with people’s rights, with problems to be solved and not with supranational interests or positions to be occupied, is fast and determined and leads me to run for office in the elections. European elections on 26 May 2019, just one year after the previous electoral experience.
With the passion of someone who approaches politics for the common good, speaking to people as a citizen who wants change and believes in change, I faced the electoral campaign with unconscious simplicity and humility.
I was elected to the European Parliament in the Islands Constituency (which includes Sicily and Sardinia) with an electoral consensus of 32,884 preferences, which allowed me to come second, after Matteo Salvini, supported by true friends, those I already had and those who I met along the electoral path.
Today, thanks to the trust placed in me by many citizens, I work in the European Parliament with the vehemence of those who have seen Europe as a goal since my academic years, and the firm determination of those who want to change it, because deeply disappointed by the betrayal of the pro-European spirit of the founding fathers carried forward by the policies implemented by EU bureaucrats.
I work every day in my own small way, one of 76 Italian and 705 European MEPs, for the Europe of peoples and civil rights, to bring the voice of Sicily and Sardinia to Europe, to ensure that, also thanks to Europe, may our children have a better land from which they are not “forced” to emigrate.

The Honorable Annalisa Tardino is today a Member of the European Parliament for the Identity and Democracy – League for Salvini group.

To date there are many initiatives and activities on behalf of Tardino for the European Parliament:

Member of the LIBE Commission for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
for 2024.
Member of the Delegation for relations with Canada.

The Honorable Tardino is also present as a substitute member in the following commissions:
ENVI Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
TRAN Transport and Tourism Commission
PECH Fisheries Commission
SANT Subcommittee on Public Health
DLAT Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly
He contributed to classroom discussions for:
European Health Data Area (December 2023)
Commemoration of the tenth anniversary
of the Lampedusa tragedy (October 2023)
EU-Tunisia agreement: aspects relating to
external migration policy (September 2023)
Need for EU intervention in operations
search and rescue in the Mediterranean (July 2023)
Electronic evidence in criminal proceedings: legal representatives

  • Electronic evidence in criminal matters:
    European production and conservation orders
    of electronic evidence in criminal matters (June 2023)
    Protect and restore marine ecosystems
    for sustainable and resilient fishing –
    IGC agreement on marine biodiversity in the areas
    not subject to national jurisdiction (High Seas Treaty)
    -May 2023
    Outsourcing of asylum applications and subordination
    of funding to third countries for implementation
    of repatriation agreements (May 2023)

Deaths at sea: joint EU response
to save human lives and its intervention
to ensure safe and legal routes (March 2023)

He signed the following individual proposals starting
from 2021:
-MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on reversing the European demographic trend

  • MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION to prevent improper use of
    EU digital COVID certificate from some member states,
    to restrict citizens’ access to certain services
    and depress economic recovery.
  • MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on banking rules regarding non-performing loans:
    the impact of the pandemic and the proposed temporary solutions.

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